Saturday, June 09, 2007

A New Addition!

She's still alive folks! It's been a busy last few months, but a really wonderful time as well. Since my last post I have had two big events happen: 1) I moved into a new place! 2) I have a wonderful black lab puppy (her name is Bella)! She's full of energy and personality. She's a about 19 months old and a wonderful companion for me. My job allows me to take her to work with me, and Denver is a very dog friendly city. You can even bring your dog into Home Depot!

I'm excited to take her camping and hiking this summer, she loves to be outside, especially in the water, and she's a wonderful retriever. She could play fetch for hours if my arm could hold up! AND thanks to the invention of the Halti dog harness, she's become a very good walking partner :) Thanks David and JJ!