Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Oh Humanity

Sometimes, when I take a second to think about all the hard stuff my friends are going through, it becomes overwhelming. I want to be there for each one of them. I want to comfort them, sit with them, give them a hug, and help fix it. This week I found out two of my friend's marriages have fallen apart, someone else is in critical condition after having two strokes at my age, a couple others have lost their jobs, and some are just frankly hurting. Why? WHY?

Then I'm reminded of something....I don't have to take these things on by myself. In fact, I shouldn't. There is Someone much larger than me. Larger than any of these hurts, pains, struggles and situations. Someone Who knew these things would happen. Once I turn to Him, and express my hurt for these people, my cares, concerns and worries, I then receive comfort and solace in the fact that my prayers were heard and will not fall on deaf ears. There is a lot of hurt in this world, and it is too big for any one of us to try and take on ourselves. But there is Someone who can take it on, who did, and who is there for us 'til the end of time.

Pile your troubles on God's shoulders—
he'll carry your load, he'll help you out.
He'll never let good people
topple into ruin.

-Psalm 55:22 (The Message)

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Full Circle

Yesterday I went for a hike to Maxwell Falls, just outside of Evergreen, CO with my friends Anne Marie and Nanci. As we pulled into the parking lot, it looked quite familiar and I was almost positive I had been at this trailhead before. As we kept walking, it dawned on me that this trail was the very first that I hiked after I moved to Denver, a little over three years ago!

It was such a neat feeling thinking back to where I was when I went on that hike three years ago, and where I am now. It's so interesting how one can grow and change, and yet, on the same token, stay the same in a lot of ways.

While hiking, Nanci asked me where I saw myself in five years. It was the second time in a few days that I had been asked that question, and I felt the same both times...I hate that question. I think I dislike it so much because the future is so uncertain. I can make my plans and goals, but most likely, the next five years will look nothing like how I planned. The thought of being disappointed or even failing is not something I want to voluntarily inject into my life. So I usually don't think about what I will be doing in five years, because who really knows except for the One who knows everything.

Today, in church, I was challenged to be someone who is willing to give everything of myself to God. That includes giving up everything that I own or thought was mine. A woman who put two coins into an offering box, equalling a penny, gave more than anyone of the rich aristocracy because she gave all that she had. She gave it all. Am I willing to do the same? Am I willing to give so much monetarily that it hurts; that it makes me question how I'm going to make rent this month?

Getting out into the wilderness, going for a hike to Maxwell Falls, helped me remember that my life is a gift, it's fragile, and it is not my own. I need to remember that I cannot get too attached to the things of this world or this life. They are fleeting, and temporary. Hearing the sermon in church today helped me remember that I need to be open to letting go of all I hold dear on this earth so that I may reap a greater reward.

Now, I ask you, are you willing to give EVERYTHING? Are you willing to give up everything?

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A New Look!

Yesterday my friend Conor and I busted out painting the kitchen in my house in less than three hours! Check out the before and afters!





All smiles after admiring our work!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Customer Service

I don't usually do this type of blog, but I was so thrilled with the customer service of High Sierra, that I just had to share it with you all and give them a little plug. When I was traveling in Europe this past summer, I took a High Sierra small backpack with me that had a pouch for my hydration device as well (a Camelback-ish type). To my dismay, very time I had the pack on and bent down to pick something up from the ground, water would leak out all over the inside of my pack and I'd have to empty out all of my guidebooks, papers, etc. I thought I had made the mistake of not screwing the top on correctly, however, upon my return to the States, and further inspection of my water reservoir, the falty party was not myself, but a hole in the top of the reservoir! UGH! I was so mad, a) because I had blamed myself for the misfortune of getting all of the contents of my pack wet, and b) because I'd have to call customer service and wade through the multiple phone operators to try and figure out how I could get a replacement reservoir.

To my great surprise and delight, my phone call lasted less than 5 minutes with High Sierra and they didn't even ask me for any information, they just took down my address and said that they would send me a new water reservoir! Now, High Sierra wouldn't be the top of my list for outdoor gear, the pack itself was a gift, but they have certainly climbed the charts with this act of goodness!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

What keeps me goin...

I was thinking today about the things in my life that I love and appreciate. I must say, this creature is one of my favorite things in life! The scene pictured is scene a daily occurrence- Bella standing staring from the ball to me and back to ball, just waiting for the moment where I make the lunge towards the ball to pick it up and toss it for her, indicating that her response will be to fetch the ball and bring it back to me with an indefatigable energy.

Ah the simple life and pleasures of a dog. Do I appreciate the simple pleasures in life as much as this Black Lab? She is a constant reminder to do so.