It's official blogworld, I'm moving to Nashville at the end of August! I don't even know who reads this anymore, but I thought I'd make the announcement. After lots of prayer, processing, and thinking, I'm going to join David and JJ, and their newest addition- Lucy Love, in Nashville for a little while to be a nanny/booking agent/personal assistant/helper in any way I can.
This is an amazing opportunity to share in the ever new and exciting life of my now four and a half month old niece, and travel around the country with my musically-talented brother and sister-in-law, while using Nashville as the home base.
I'm excited to see what the Lord has planned for me as I take a step in a completely new direction. I never imagined that I would leave Denver so soon, as I really feel at home here, but it is only a temporary absence. My roommates, community, and church have been such an amazing family, and I will miss everyone immensely. It is definitely not an easy thing for me to leave. And at the same time, I look forward to living in a region of the county that I haven't had much exposure to, and taking advantage of the time spent with my family to live and work together.
I have the desire to look for volunteer opportunities while I am living in Nashville, possibly to become a Big Sister to a teenage gal, or look into some mentorship opportunities. I want to be able to establish myself wherever I am living, and I think giving back to my community is a way to do that.
The phrase, "Bloom where you're planted" continually pops into my head as a reminder for me to be as impactful as possible in the place where I find myself in the moment. I look forward to seeing how I can plant seeds and bloom in Nashville!