Sunday, December 27, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
This past week I had the opportunity to spend time back in my old stopping grounds of Denver, CO to take a mini vacation while David and JJ packed up their house in Nashville. They finally closed on it on Friday! It has been three and a half months now since I jam-packed my room into my Honda Civic (bless it’s soul, wherever it’s stolen remains may be) and drove back to Phoenix. My how life takes us on so many twists and turns. Since then, Josh was diagnosed with cancer, my grandmother passed away, my parents moved, David and JJ have a song on the radio, Lucy celebrated her first birthday, my car got stolen and perhaps another one might be given to me….
Despite the rollercoaster that has been my life, taking a break and returning to Denver still felt like home. Catching up with friends was like putting on my winter coat that has been hanging in my closet the last several months- it fit like a glove and was as comfortable as ever! I enjoyed every minute spent with friends, laughing and crying, walking and talking, listening and telling. As much as Denver is a place where I feel at peace, I also know that Phoenix is where I am meant to be during this season of my life. I don’t know how long this season will be, but while I am in it, I will try my hardest to bloom where I’m planted, take a day at a time, notice God’s little graces throughout the day, and recognize God’s provision and orchestration every step of the way.