I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to join five women on an excursion into the depths of the Grand Canyon last week! What an experience! I cannot wait until the next time I can return to that absolutely breath-taking canyon!
Due to time constraints and the short amount of time we had to plan, we did a day hike descending from the South Rim on the South Kaibab Trail, cutting west on the Tonto Trail to Indian Garden, and then ascending the Bright Angel Trail. All in all, the hike was a little over 13 miles.
I could not have asked for a better group of women to participate in this experience! From the night before where we all gathered to talk about what we wanted to hear from God the next day, to the post hike debriefing on the porch, every lady added something personal to the experience!
It's hard to be in that canyon, looking all around, and not recognize a higher power and Ultimate Creator of such beauty/enormity/perfection. Each person in our group at one point or another was turning her face heavenward either in gratitude, desperation, requisition, or perhaps all three! At times one can get caught up in the act of putting one's nose to the grindstone and forget the environment in which we find ourselves. One of the ladies early on in the hike said to no one in particular, "Don't miss it!" From that moment on, that phrase stuck with me as I meandered through the valleys, zig zagged the switchbacks, and spurred on my sisters.
As I was hiking, I recall saying to my Maker, "more of you and less of me." That was the goal. Abide in Him, and be filled with Him, as I emptied myself. One of the gals described the journey in this way: As we descended, we were still functioning on our own strength, filled with ourselves. As we depleted our resources, our energy and our rations, we were emptying ourselves until there was nothing left. This made room for the turn around to make the journey up and out, being filled with what God had to pour into us. By coming to the end of ourselves, it makes room for God to come in and fill us with Him.
I am so very thankful for this trip down into the canyon, and count it an honor to have experienced it with Alisa, Erica, Lindsey, Molly, and Renee!