The movie is about the attempt by five missionary families to reach the most violent of all tribes ever documented. The Waodani reside in the eastern rainforest of Ecuador and lived by the rule that you must spear and live, or be speared and die. The movie shows how the five missionary husbands are killed by the Waodoni but the wives respond not in violence, but in the most unexpected gesture of unconditional love and grace-they return to the Waodani people in order to share the good news that they know in their hearts is true. These women, along with their young children, lived among their enemies, nursed their sick, showed them love, and told them the message of Christ in a way they would understand- in the context of their stories and in their language.
This movie got me thinking a lot about where I stand. What am I willing to give up? Am I willing to die for my faith? Am I loving my enemies just as much as I love my dearest friends? What is my reaction when someone does me wrong? If someone has performed an offence against me, do I turn around and show them kindness? Where does my trust lie? Whom do I trust? Do I live for the same reason I would die?
These and many other questions were turned over and over in my head after viewing this movie and I recommend thinking about these things for yourself and watching the movie to see how these people reacted to such things. Would you do the same?
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