When I pray, I usually spend most of the time doing all of the talking, but I wanted to do more listening today. I wanted to hear from the Lord how I should best honor my brother. Every 22nd day of the month I want to dedicate to Josh, as that was the day he went to be the Lord almost seven months ago. Someone who lost a family member told me that she and her family have put this idea into practice and it has been something they have come to cherish. I've spent a week and a half since she told me of this idea brainstorming how I could best honor Josh, but nothing came to mind...until today.
As I was praying, I started to think about Josh and remember the activities he liked to do, the things he thought important, the priorities he set in his life. As I opened my eyes and looked down, I was holding an empty juice bottle that I drank with my lunch and it suddenly hit me! Josh loved to juice! He became a juicing expert towards the end. I remember asking him questions about nutrients of various fruits and vegetables and he always had an answer for me. So this, I decided, was how I would honor Josh. On the 22nd of every month I am going to juice for Josh. Perhaps it's a whole meal, maybe it's just a wheat grass shot, or maybe I pick some oranges and drink some freshly squeezed orange juice. There are many possibilities, but the important thing is that the action is honoring and remembering the brother I love.
I invite anyone who wants to participate in this to join me. You are welcome to let me know when you do, or to do it with me. We can share stories about Josh, laugh at his querks, cry if need be, whatever we want to make it.
I loved that in the quietness of the desert, I was able to so clearly know that this was the way that the Lord wanted me to honor Josh. For the last week and a half, I was trying to come up with something so hard that I was getting lost in the activity. Sometimes all it takes is to be still, sit quietly, and listen.
Be still and know that I am God - Psalm 46:10