Sunday, February 06, 2011

Something fun!

I love being outside, and really enjoy working with my hands. It is such a wonderfully natural and raw process that is ultimately rewarding to me. There is reward in the mere action of building, creating, or planting. Hopefully success is attained in the process, but that is not of the utmost importance to me. What I gleaned and learned along the way is what I really enjoy.

With that said, I have always wanted a garden of my own to tend to, but for reasons of time, money, or location, I have not had the opportunity to do so. Until now! JJ and I are the proud tenders of a 4' x 4' raised bed garden! We are going with the square foot garden method. Here's a pic of the book we used for reference and our planting diagram:

Our wonderful friends/neighbors wanted to plant some veggies and made three raised beds, and generously allowed us to have one of them. We are diversifying our crops so that we can share the wealth as it comes time to harvest.

I think JJ and I are both excited about the possibility of having almost all of the ingredients readily available for homemade salsa!

I will update as our little garden grows :)

Here's the before

And the after when we bought the soil and planted our starters and seeds. We are going to purchase tomatoes and peppers in the next week or two!

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